Friday, September 23, 2011

Just a few ....

Here are just a few favorites I wanted to share with you! Enjoy! :)

North Head Lighthouse - Long Beach, WA

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Santa Catalina Island, California

My very first trip to Catalina Island! How can I describe it? Small, quiet, pleasant and peaceful. We took the Catalina Express from Long Beach, CA to the island. I remember being in the ocean and not seeing any land around us. That was a first for me and it was very exciting!

When we got to the island we were very impressed at how small it actually was. Everything was walking distance. The islanders didn't own vehicles - everyone drove golf carts or walked to their destinations. There weren't street lights or stop lights. And much to our surprise, there was only one grocery store! It was probably the smallest vons I have ever been to. Every place we ate had outside eating and most restaurants didn't have windows. We never heard a cuss word or fowl language from anyone our entire time there. The people were friendly and had a lot to share with us. We learned that once a week a large boat comes in with food and merchandise for the islanders. There is one school and one hospital.
If you're ever looking for a peaceful, quiet and cheap place to get away then I recommend Catalina Island. And when I say cheap, I mean it is very affordable for those on a tight vacation budget. Taking the boat from Long Beach, CA to Catalina Island is only a little over $60 a person round trip. Find a motel room and expect to pay for food and souvenirs, then kick back and take it easy. You won't find a lot of high priced activities and restaurants tempting you to spend your money.

Above is a photo of the Casino on Catalina Island.

Flowers of Catalina Island

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Trying Lightroom 3!

So I'm trying Lightroom 3 and so far ... I love it, love it, LOVE IT! I can't even begin to share all the new and exciting things it exposes. All I can say is, try it! I can guarantee you'll fall in love with it!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

San Francisco

Visiting San Francisco in May was such an exciting excursion and road trip. From the May rain to the downtown shopping and all the way onto Alcatraz Island! It was so worth the 10 hour drive getting there. Alcatraz Island was amazing! There was so much history and stories to tell. Every part of the island has something eye catching. Alcatraz grows beautiful flowers on the island - Who would have guessed? The best part of all - We got to stay on the island as long as we wanted until the last departure boat arrived to take us back.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boys and their toys ... Or is it boys and their Chevy's!?

Ben has had his Nova since he was a teenager. He's put much work into it. It used to be gold and nothing like it looks today.

                                             .... He still won't let me drive it! ;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I introduce to you .... Jamie Grace!

Jamie was so much fun to work with! We drove around Portland finding neat places to take photo's. One place consisted of juming over a small cement wall to get to a train track. There was a "No Trespassing" sign and after taking some photo's at that location, we saw a police officer down the road and decided to depart! :)

an aspiring model and actress!